It’s Been a While..

I have been far too lazy to keep up with my science obsession lately. I blame this entirely on having 40 hour work weeks. Any free time I have I am sleeping or playing Pokemon. However, as of Sunday I am unemployed and no longer taken advantage of. So, I will have plenty of time to ramble on about things nobody reads or cares about!

Today is probably the best day to come out of hiding considering last night at 1 am EST Curiosity (refer to my last post) landed on Mars. Thanks to the magic of twitter and the internet, the first images of the martian surface were streamed directly to my handy dandy IPhone. It’s upsetting to me that although an event this monumental has taken place there are still ignorant (excuse my language) FUCKtards that have something to complain about. “America can’t afford this!” “We should be spending our money on more important things like society’s issues here at home!” “The economy!” “Obama is black!” Give me a break. What is more important than gaining essential knowledge about our world and what surrounds us? Absolutely nothing. After all, what is the point of anything at all then?

Above anything else, I am a firm believer that science is more important than ANYTHING. More important than gay marriage, abortion, healthcare, shoes, and 16 oz red bulls. If we are remaining stagnant in learning about life there is no reason to live at all. So if you believe this, you can go ahead and waste away in your useless bag of flesh that has no purpose. Harsh, maybe.. but there is no way around it. You’re just a plain old fucking idiot. I could get more sophisticated with this argument, but I spent enough time doing that already.

I cannot wait to see Curiosity dig into the precious Martian soil and find the beautifulĀ specklesĀ of carbon, until then I will be rocking my space print top in celebration.
